
Myles Calvert

Name: Myles Calvert
Title: Associate Professor of Fine Arts
Education: M.A., Printmaking - Camberwell College of Art (University for the Arts, London)
Office: 202 McLaurin Hall
Phone: 803/323-3073
E-mail: calvertm@winthrop.edu
Web: www.SquirrelPigeonFish.com
Area(s): Printmaking

Myles Calvert completed his M.A. in Printmaking at Camberwell College of Art (University for the Arts, London) and his undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. During his time in London, he worked for the National Portrait Gallery before teaching printmaking at Sussex Coast College and becoming Duty Manager of the newly built Jerwood Gallery (Hastings Contemporary). His work can be found in the permanent collections at the British Library, Camberwell College of Art, Tate Britain, and Scholes Library at Alfred University in New York. 2019 residencies included Art Print Residence (Barcelona, Spain), Proyecto'ace (Buenos Aires, Argentina), as well as a lecture/workshop at PUCP (Pontificia Universidad Catòlica del Perú) in Lima.