
Kathryn Lawrie

Name: Kathryn Lawrie
Title: Adjunct Faculty of Design
Education: B.A. Arts, Winthrop University '05
Phone: 803/834-1244
E-mail: mcclaryk@winthrop.edu
Area(s): Design, Business, Licensing, Marketing

Kathryn Lawrie has more than 15 years experience in executive roles and creative business develeopment with an entrepenurial mind-set.

Kathryn Led Springs Creative Retail Group from 2018 - 2021, worked in Corporate Marketing from 2019 - 2022, and worked in Lead Generation and Revenue Management in 2024.

Kathryn is a wife and mother of two beautiful children, Miles and Olivia. Kathryn's passion is to support the future creative workforce and bridge the gap between the colleges of Art/Design & Business. "Monetize Your Creative Portfolio!"