theatre & dance FACULTY resources


    Visit Department Policies and Procedures Page

    Includes information related to:

    • General Policies
    • Safety & Security
    • Productions-General, Policies and Procedures
    • Productions-Student Works, Policies and Procedures
    • Dance-Specific, Policies and Procedures
    • Johnson Hall, Policies and Procedures

    Visit Assessment Data Bank Page

    Includes information related to:

    • CVPA Assessment
    • Department Assessment Plans
    • Theatre & Dance Departmental Assessment Tools
    • Dance Program Assessment Tools 
    • Theatre Program Assessment Tools
    • Evaluation Rubrics

    Visit Student Resources Page

    Includes information related to:

    • Policies and Procedures
    • Helpful Links
    • Academic Support & Information
    • Production Participation
    • Theatre Auditions
    • Dance Auditions
    • Theatre Practicum
    • Dance Performance & Production
    • Independent Studies
    • Employment
    • Internships
    • Local & National Organizations & Companies
    • Academic Expectations for Students enrolled in credits for directing a production in the Studio Theatre
    • Sample Assignments

    Visit Student Services Page

    Includes information related to:

    • Advising Resources
    • Degree Works
    • Degree Checklists
    • Advising Tools
    • Forms
    • Academic Support Services
    • Fast Facts

    Visit the Faculty Resources Page

    Includes information related to:

    • Administrative Information
    • Annual Reports
    • CVPA Forms
    • CVPA Policies & Manuals
    • Tenure & Promotion
    • Student Services/Advising
    • Department Specific Resources