Dr. Shirley Shen

Name: Yi (Shirley) Shen, Ph.D. 

Title: Assistant Professor of Finance

Education: Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Lowell
                  M.S., Johns Hopkins University
                  B.A., Case Western Reserve University

Office: 203 Carroll Hall

Phone: 803/323-2418

E-mail: sheny@winthrop.edu

Area(s): Corporate Finance, Labor & Finance, and Banking

Dr. Yi Shen is an Assistant Professor of Finance specializing in empirical corporate finance topics, including bank loan pricing, unemployment risk, corporate innovation, and product market competition. Dr. Shen’s research has been published in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Accounting and Finance, and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. Her research won the Winthrop University College of Business and Technology Springs Industries Research Excellence Award in 2023. Her paper “Labor Unemployment Insurance and R&D Productivity” was a Semifinalist for the Best Paper Award at the 2019 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting. Prior to earning her Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts Lowell, she was a derivatives analyst at Morgan Stanley’s Baltimore office. She graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree from Case Western Reserve University in 2013 and earned her master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University in 2014.


Selected Publications

Hasan, I., Shen, Y., Yuan, X., 2021. Local product market competition and bank loans. Journal of Corporate Finance 70, 102054.

Shen, Y., 2022. Labor unemployment insurance and bank loans. Journal of Corporate Finance 76, 102254.

Wang, G., Shen, Y., 2023. Did quantitative easing reduce the borrowing costs of firms? The risk-taking channel. Accounting and Finance 63, 507-536.

Jiang, T., Shen, Y., He, Y., Wang, Z., 2024. Female government officials and corporate cash holdings. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 102274.


Selected Awards and Honors

Springs Global Industries Research Excellence Award (2023) – Winthrop University

Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance (2019) – Financial Management Association 2019 Annual Meeting

Outstanding Doctoral Student Award (2019) – University of Massachusetts Lowell

Excellence in Teaching Award (2018) – University of Massachusetts Lowell

The Marvin J. Barloon Award for Outstanding Performance in Economics (2013) – Case Western Reserve University


Selected Conference Presentations

Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, 2019

Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting, 2019

Northern Finance Association (NFA) Annual Meeting PhD Session, 2018

Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, 2018

Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting, 2018

Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, 2017

Midwest Finance Association (MFA) Annual Meeting, 2017