Scholar Profiles - Julia Perryman

Name: Julia Perryman

Classification: Sophomore

Major: Instrumental Music Education

Hometown: Hanahan, South Carolina

Primary Volunteering Site: Seacoast Kidscoast Ministry

Why did you choose to apply to the Close Scholars program?

I think that serving and caring for others is very important and I wanted to be in a community with others who volunteer. 

What do you look forward to as a part of the Close Scholars program?

I am looking forward to making connections with the other Scholars and helping the community. 

Why is being a servant leader important to you, and why should it be important to others?

It is important to me because it takes my focus off of myself and puts it on helping others. It not only makes me a happier person, but it makes others happy when I serve them. It should be important to others because it should be a priority to put others before ourselves.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I see myself being a band director at a school.

What is your favorite thing to do on campus or in the surrounding areas?

I like to play my clarinet with the Wind Symphony. I also like to roller-skate and go thrifting.

Where is your favorite place to travel to and why, and where would you like to travel to and why?

My favorite place to travel to was Togo, West Africa. This is because I got to experience a totally different culture and a way of life. I got to see the joy of the people there even though they lived in rough conditions. I would like to visit somewhere in South America because I would like to see how people live in different places. I love to experience new things and meet new people.

Fun fact?

I have two doggies named Archie and Lola.