Scholar Profiles - Sean Pennington

Name: Sean Pennington

Classification: Senior

Major: Mathematics 

Hometown: Lexington, South Carolina

Primary Volunteering Site: TBD

How has being a Close Scholar impacted your college experience? 

I have been able to network and meet many new people through this experience. I have also learned how to stay organized and learned how to better manage my time. 

What has been your favorite volunteer site and why? 

My favorite volunteer site has been Hope of Rock Hill. I think this site has been my favorite because the people are always kind and hard working. I like being busy and Hope of Rock Hill always has something for me to do. 

What advice would you give to incoming students interested in serving our community? 

I would tell them to not be afraid to ask for help. It can be hard trying to find somewhere to volunteer or you can be nervous going somewhere alone, but you can always ask someone to go with you. I would also tell every incoming student to get involved in something outside of school. Extracurriculars, including community service, will teach you many skills that will be beneficial throughout your college experience and your future. 

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

I hope to be teaching high school or middle school math in South Carolina. 

What is your favorite thing to do on campus or in the surrounding areas? 

My favorite thing to do on campus is go to the West Center and play volleyball with my friends. 

Where is your favorite place to travel to and why? 

My favorite place to travel is to Disney World. I have been multiple times and experience something new every time.

Fun fact? 

I have a twin sister who goes to Winthrop.