Scholar Profiles - Tymia Lamb

Name: Tymia Lamb

Classification: Senior

Major: Dance

Hometown: Coward, South Carolina

Primary Volunteering Site: Hope of Rock Hill 

How has being a Close Scholar impacted your college experience? 

It has made me more involved on campus and has helped me with being a more weighted influence to my community. 

What has been your favorite community service experience? 

I want to say working with counseling services to promote things about mental health was my favorite experience. I think mental health has been an important message that has been taken more seriously over the years so being a part of helping raise awareness was definitely something I enjoyed. 

What advice would you give to incoming students interested in serving our community? 

Do it!! You are always encouraged to help in whatever way you can and it will pay off when you see the positive changes you are creating in your community. 

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

I believe that in five years I will still have a hand in helping my community through the form of art. I also think I will be at a studio teaching students technique. 

What is your favorite thing to do on campus or in the surrounding areas? 

I am the founder of my own dance team on campus, Elite Dynasty, so being in Johnson working with my team is my favorite thing to do. 

What is your favorite place to travel to and why? 

My favorite place to go is to New York. It's where my family is from and the majority of them still are there so it's always good to go see family and eat good NY food. 

Fun fact? 

I graduated high school at 16 so I am probably grouped in with the the youngest in the program, if not I am the youngest.