*If a deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline will be the first business day after the stated deadline.  The deadline for each step is 11:59pm on the date stated. The effective date for tenure and promotion is the beginning of the next appointment period.



Deans notify faculty who are scheduled for tenure review during upcoming academic year.

Deans provide promotion intention forms to eligible faculty.


Faculty members return promotion intention forms to Department Chairs, who sign the forms and return them to Deans.


With approval from Deans, Department Chairs appoint committees for tenure and/or promotion review, if applicable.


Deans provide a list of tenure and promotion committee members to the Office of Academic Affairs.


Deans complete comments on Annual Reports for Tenure & Promotion Candidates.


Required University-Wide Tenure & Promotion Workshop.


Faculty submit tenure and/or promotion portfolios in Interfolio.

Department chairs make portfolios available to departmental tenure and/or promotion committees.


Department tenure and/or promotion committees upload recommendation letters to Interfolio for review by department chairs and candidate. Candidate has three business days to upload optional response letter to Interfolio (due 10/06).


Department chairs upload recommendation letters for faculty standing for tenure and/or promotion into Interfolio. Candidate has three business days to upload optional response letter to Interfolio (due 10/20).


College Personnel Advisory Committees upload recommendation letters on faculty standing for tenure and/or promotion into Interfolio. Candidate has three business days to upload optional response letter to Interfolio (due 11/18).


Deans upload their recommendation letters to Interfolio. Candidate has three business days to upload optional response letter to Interfolio (due 12/20).


Access to all tenure and promotion portfolios is granted to members of the Faculty Personnel Committee.


Faculty Personnel Committee uploads recommendations regarding tenure into Interfolio. Recommendations are shared with the candidate(s) via Interfolio.


The Chief Academic Officer uploads recommendations regarding tenure into Interfolio and forwards recommendations regarding tenure to the President. Recommendations are shared with the candidate(s) via Interfolio.


Office of Academic Affairs sends lists of faculty who should stand for tenure in next academic year to deans.


Deans confirm with the Office of Academic Affairs the names of faculty who will stand for tenure in next academic year.


Faculty Personnel Committee uploads recommendations regarding promotion into Interfolio. Recommendations are shared with the candidate(s) via Interfolio.


The Chief Academic Officer uploads recommendations regarding promotion into Interfolio and forwards recommendations regarding promotion to President. Recommendations are shared with the candidate(s) via Interfolio.


Deans notify in writing all faculty who will stand for tenure in next academic year. Department, College, and University deadlines for submission of documentation will be shared with those standing for tenure and/or promotion.

By this date, the President will notify the Board of Trustees in writing of his/her recommendations regarding tenure and promotion.


By this date, the Chief Academic Officer notifies faculty in writing via e-mail and hard-copy the awarding of tenure or notification of nonrenewal, with copies of letters via e-mail from the President to appropriate deans and chairs. 

By this date, the Chief Academic Officer notifies in writing via e-mail and hard copy those faculty who are not recommended for promotion, with e-mail copies of letters to appropriate deans and chairs.

By this date, the Chief Academic Officer notifies in writing via e-mail and hard-copy successful candidates for promotion with copies of letters via e-mail from the President to appropriate deans and chairs. 


Candidate appeals of tenure decisions for procedural reasons are due to Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure, and Promotion (AFTP), copying the Chief Academic Officer. See Tenure – Conditions and Procedures (procedures, 9.0 Notification of Tenure Decision) and Termination of Appointment (procedures, Denial of Tenure) policies.


Report from AFTP on findings related to denial of tenure decisions for procedural reasons due to President and candidate with a copy to the Chief Academic Officer.

June Board of Trustees Meeting
The names of faculty who have been granted tenure and/or promotion shall be submitted for publication.


For Tenure procedures, see: Tenure – Conditions and Procedures

For Promotion procedures, see: Promotion – Faculty