The chair of the search committee works with the appropriate dean's office to obtain forms and answers to search-related questions. A copy of the document entitled Search Committees: A Toolkit (published by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources [CUPA-HR]) is available in the appropriate dean's office to assist search committees in their work.

Additional questions regarding policies and procedures for the faculty/unclassified search should be directed to the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The chair of the search committee should also contact the EEO representative in the Office of Human Resources to determine if the position is currently underutilized in minorities or females. If the position being filled is underutilized in minorities or females, the chair of the search committee and the EEO representative will discuss strategies to increase the number of minority and female applicants in the applicant pool. Please call the EEO representative with any questions related to equal employment opportunity.

Complete the Request for Faculty/Unclassified Position form (Exhibit A).

The vacancy announcement format (Exhibit B) is standard for most positions.

Vacancy announcements for deans and vice presidents typically require a recruitment brochure instead of the standard vacancy announcement. The chair of the search committee will work with the appropriate dean's office and University Relations to produce the recruitment brochure. Wording for the vacancy announcement and advertisement should convey final intent. For example, do not specify that a Ph.D. is required when a candidate who is ABD may be considered; rank should be compatible with appointment, i.e. assistant professor or higher for a tenure track appointment.  Samples of vacancy announcements are available in the appropriate dean's office.

In consultation with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, search committee chairs should determine what type of advertising (print, electronic, etc.) is desirable and what is required by state and federal guidelines.

Search committee chairs should determine if additional advertising in publications, newspapers, listservs, etc. is desirable.

Complete the advertisement using wording that is consistent with the information provided in the vacancy announcement. Samples of advertisements are available in the appropriate dean's office. To be included at the end of each advertisement is the acronym EOE.

A copy of the advertisement must be included with the Request for Faculty/Unclassified Position form and vacancy announcement in order to post the position. Copies of all ads posted should be kept in the appropriate dean's office. If no advertisement is used, write "no ad" at the top of the form.

After completing steps 1 through 4, send the Request for Faculty/Unclassified Position, vacancy announcement and advertisement to the Budget Office for review of the budget available for the salary.  The Budget Office will forward the paperwork to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. 

Any required revision(s) to the documents will be conveyed to the dean or chair of the search committee. Corrected copy will be provided to the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs will obtain the necessary approvals for the remainder of this portion of the process. The dean will be informed once approvals are in place so that the search may continue. Copies of the paperwork will be sent to the dean and Office of Human Resources.

At this juncture, the vacancy announcement must be sent as an e-mail attachment to the Office of Human Resources and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. HR will then communicate with Printing Services regarding the posting of the vacancy announcement on the Winthrop website.

After receiving approval to post the position, the chair of the search committee (or designee) will, if necessary, place the advertisement in the appropriate publications, newspapers, listservs, etc. The advertisements are funded by the hiring department or the appropriate dean's office.

Advertisements cannot be altered from the original wording and format that was included in the approved paperwork. Any changes should be routed and approved by the appropriate dean's office, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of Human Resources. Questions regarding the use of a procurement card or a P.O. number to pay for the advertisement should be directed to the Purchasing Department. 

The chair of the search committee should establish a job vacancy folder for the search. Since the amount of information submitted by candidates for unclassified and faculty positions can be significant, individual candidate folders should be established to include all information submitted by that candidate. See Stage IV, Step 4 for records retention requirements.

Note: The completed applicant data record form is not added to the file until after the recruitment and hiring process is completed.