Inventory Details


Winthrop University currently has 89 general classrooms and 75 classroom laboratories. The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education adheres to the Department of Education's definitions as follows: 

Classroom: "A room or space used primarily for instructionthat is not tied to a specific subject or discipline by equipment in the room or the configuration of the space."

Classroom laboratory: "A space used primarily for formally or regularly scheduled instructionthat require special purposed equipment or a specific space configured for student participation, experimentation, observation, or practice in an academic discipline."

Smart Classrooms

Winthrop University's teaching spaces are equipped with technology.  Currently, 85 of the general classrooms are equipped with smart technology, and 48 of the classroom laboratories are equipped with smart technology. However, the number of devices available in any particular classroom will vary. All technology-equipped classrooms will have at least one computer connected to the network and one data projector. This allows a professor to display slide presentations, demonstrate a piece of software, or browse the Internet without bringing any additional equipment into the room. Other classrooms will have a digital presenter (a.k.a. Elmo) and/or a Smartboard or a Sympodium.

For more details about technology in the classroom, read the Technology Handbook offered by the Winthrop IT offices.