Paula Garofalo

Name: Paula Garofalo

Arts Recruitment Coordinator - Majors in the College of Visual and Performing Arts

Hometown: New Carrollton, MD

Education: Ohio University - B.A. UNC Charlotte, M.F.A. Ohio  University


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What makes Winthrop special to you?   
The people.  Everyone is dedicated to educating our students.

What do you love about Winthrop?   
Diversity - I think our slogan should be "Keep Winthrop Weird".

What is you favorite local restaurant in Rock Hill?    Flipside Cafe

What is your favorite thing about Rock Hill?
Unique identity in a large metro area that's committed to staying a small city.

Why should a student pick Winthrop?
Location and faculty network/mentorship - we're 20 minutes from Charlotte, NC for internships and jobs.

What advice do you have for students during their search process?
Find a campus community you feel comfortable living in for 4 years with 2-3 majors that interest you.

Fun Facts about Paula:

Favorite Book?  Great Expectations

Favorite Movie or Performer?  The Royal Tenenbaums

Who is your Role Model? Ina Garten

What are your hobbies?  Cooking and Gardening