
Winthrop University has a university license for the Qualtrics Research Suite, which allows Winthrop students, faculty, and staff to create and administer Qualtrics surveys.

Before distributing a survey that requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, be sure to visit the IRB site and obtain the necessary approvals.

Faculty / Staff Access

Current Winthrop faculty and staff members can log in to Qualtrics with their Winthrop login credentials at https://winthrop.qualtrics.com.

Student Access

Current Winthrop University students can log in to Qualtrics with their Winthrop login credentials at https://winthropstudents.qualtrics.com.

Account Creation

Please read the initial account setup document (pdf - 284 KB) for step-by-step instructions to activate your Winthrop-branded Qualtrics account.

Winthrop Survey Themes

Winthrop users have the choice of three Winthrop University survey themes that incorporate Winthrop University's official logo. Take a look at the theme selection document for step-by-step instructions to change the Winthrop branded theme used by your survey.


As a part of our university license, Qualtrics provides access to a wide array of tutorials and support materials for learning how to effectively use the survey platform. Here are a few key pages:

Note that if you would like to use the SSO authentication option with a survey, it is best to select "Use Brand Settings" for the SSO Type. If you have questions about this or any other aspect of your Winthrop-branded Qualtrics account, or if you need help with designing or building a survey, please contact Kathryn Wilson or the office of Business Intelligence and Data Management.