Name:  Gregory Bell
Title:  Associate Professor; Director of the Medieval Studies Program
Education:  Ph.D., Medieval History, Duke University
Office:  366 or 105 Bancroft Hall   
Phone:  803/323-4674
Area(s):  Mediterranean History, World History, Crusade History, Medieval History, Military History, Antiquity, Islam during the Middle Ages


College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

A medievalist at heart, Dr. Bell is fascinated with cultural interaction around the Mediterranean from Antiquity through the Middle Ages. Dr. Bell has an undergraduate degree at the College of Wooster and a Ph.D. from Duke University. He joined the faculty at Winthrop University in the fall of 2014 after teaching history at various universities in North and South Carolina since 2007. In his research and writing, he focuses on the crusades. Dr. Bell’s book, Logistics of the First Crusade: Acquiring Supplies Amid Chaos (2020), focuses on a particular crusade expedition, and he  has also written articles on exchanges among the Western European crusaders, Venetians, and the Byzantines during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries. Dr. Bell teaches the World History courses at Winthrop University as well as classes on the medieval Mediterranean, Antiquity, Africa and Islam, and the crusade movement.  
Dr. Bell splits his time between his History department office in 366 Bancroft, and his Medieval Studies program office in 105 Bancroft.