College of Arts & Sciences

Faculty Handbook

This resource is intended to provide college faculty with a centralized collection of links and documents for reference. This collection is not intended to replace the University Policy Repository. The documents and links included are instead intended to expand on University information with college-specific expectations.

Resource page for moving courses online quickly

Quick start guide to using Microsoft Teams for chatting and video calling (PDF, 2 MB)


    • College-Level Awards
      • Outstanding Adjunct/Instructor Award
      • Scholarship Excellence Award
      • Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
      • Lynn Harand Outstanding Advisor Award
    • College Professorships
      • The Ellison Capers Palmer Jr. Professorship (History)
      • The Margaret M. Bryant Professorship (English)
    • University-Level Awards
      • Distinguished Professor
      • Outstanding Junior Professor
      • Jane LeRoche Graduate Faculty Award
      • James Pinckney Kinard and Lee Wicker Kinard Award for Excellence in Teaching
      • Faculty/Student Life Award
    • The Robert and Norma Thompson Scholar (university-wide)