Name:  Kristin Kiblinger
Title:  Director, International and Global Studies Minor; Professor of Religious Studies
Education:  Ph.D., Religion, University of Chicago
M.A., Religion, University of Chicago
B.A., English and Religion, University of the South (Sewanee)
Teacher Certification, University of the South
Office:  326 Kinard Hall   
Phone:  803/323-4650
Area(s):  Buddhism, Hinduism, Theology of Religious Pluralism, Comparative Theology


College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

Dr. Kiblinger is a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and director of the International and Global Studies Minor. After living and working in the Buddhist country of Thailand from 1994-96, she earned her master's and doctoral degrees at the University of Chicago, where she studied Sanskrit language and Indian Buddhist thought in addition to Western philosophy of religion. This prepared her for her research and publications in Buddhist thought, the theology of religious pluralism, and comparative theology. She came to Winthrop in 2005 and currently teaches "Introduction to World Religions," Buddhism, Hinduism, "Religion, Conflict, and Co-existence", and "Liberation Theologies: Black, Feminist, Queer, Disabled".