Name:  William Schulte
Title:  Associate Professor of Mass Communication
Education: Ph.D., Mass Communication, Ohio University
MA, Journalism; BS, Journalism/Graphics, Ball State University  
Office:  210 Johnson Hall   
Phone:  803/323-4851
Area(s):  Journalism, Multimedia, Publication Design, Graphics, Ethics


College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

Bill Schulte is an associate professor of mass communication who joined the faculty in 2012. As a mass communication educator and former journalist, Schulte sees higher education as the road to a better human condition. He also sees the potential of students as the vehicle to reach that destination. Schulte teaches courses in media writing, advanced reporting techniques, ethics, and multimedia. Prior to his appointment at Winthrop, he taught information gathering, introductory reporting, and journalism graphics as he pursued his doctorate at Ohio University and as an adjunct at Earlham College. Schulte has extensive professional experience in news work, having spent 11 years in the newspaper industry.

Schulte's research interests involve the paradigm shift between print and digital platforms in the modern newsroom and the effects these transitions have on news workers. He also has a particular interest in social constructionist theory and its relationship to various mediums. His research is published in several journals including the Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, Journalism History, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics and more. He is the author of the book Social Construction and News Work: Newsworkers, Civic Function, and Resistance in the Changing Media World. He has also presented research at many national and international conferences.