Name:  Scott Shinabargar
Title:  Chair, Department of World Languages & Cultures; Professor of French
Education:  Ph.D., French, Emory University
B.A., English and American Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz
Office:  225 Kinard Hall   
Phone:  803/323-2534
Area(s):  French


College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

In addition to his responsibilities as Chair, Dr. Shinabargar teaches a variety of courses dealing with French and Francophone language, culture and literature. His principal area of research includes 19th and 20th century French literature, with a concentration on poetry and comparative studies. His interests include the role of violence in modern aesthetics, the rhetoric of literary movements, and explorations of expressivity in poetic language - in particular, phonetic structures and their articulation. His most recent publications deal with the work of Lautréamont, Henri Michaux, René Char, and Philippe Jaccottet, among others. He has edited a special issue of La Revue des Sciences Humaines on the French poetic tradition, Résonance: l'accord du poèmeand his book, The Revolting Body of Poetry (BRILL | Rodopi), was published in 2016.