Name:  Daniel Stovall
Title:  Assistant Professor of Biology
Education:  B.S. Biology, Campbell University
Ph.D. Cancer Biology, Wake Forest University  
Office:  213 Dalton Hall
Phone:  803/323-6430
Area(s): Cell and Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology, Epigenetics


College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

Dr. Stovall earned his B.S. in Biology from Campbell University (2009) and Ph.D. in Cancer Biology from Wake Forest University (2014). Prior to coming to Winthrop, he was as an Assistant Professor of Biology at North Carolina Wesleyan University for five years. Since arriving at Winthrop in 2019, Dr. Stovall has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in the fields of cell biology, genetics, and cancer biology.


Dr. Stovall’s research interests lie in the epigenetic mechanisms that contribute to the progression of human cancer. He is an author on twenty peer-reviewed disciplinary scientific articles and additional pedagogical papers. He enthusiastically incorporates both undergraduate and thesis-based Master’s students into his cancer research at Winthrop. His students have presented their work through multiple internal symposia and externally at annual meetings of the National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence, the National SAEOPPP McNair/SSS Scholars Research Conference, the Association of Southeastern Biologists, and the SC INBRE Annual Science Symposium.