Human Nutrition

Study Abroad for Undergraduates

The Department of Human Nutrition is dedicated to providing quality educational experiences for students and preparing them to become involved global citizens and leaders in the food and nutrition profession. Food is part of cultural identity and has an impact on the health of populations. Studying abroad will expand student knowledge of global nutrition issues, and the exposure to cultures other than their own will enhance skills needed to work with diverse populations.

Several study abroad semester programs can fit with the Human Nutrition undergraduate degree program. All study abroad courses are taught in English, no matter where you choose to study. Please explore the options on the International Center Website to see which best fits your interests and needs.

The Department of Human Nutrition has developed a plan of study that includes a study abroad semester in the spring of the sophomore year (pdf - 24.9 KB). It is the responsibility of the student to work with his/her advisor and Winthrop's International Center to develop and gain approval of an academic plan of specific courses to be taken during the semester abroad.