Marketing: The Major

There are many reasons to study marketing, and many more to do it at Winthrop. Here's what you will find at Winthrop: 

  1. Award-winning classroom instruction
    You will find award-winning classroom instruction. We have full-time faculty members who are united in a common mission of providing the best possible education for our students. Our faculty members have won college and/or university-wide awards for the quality of their classroom teaching.
  2. Student-Faculty Interaction
    You will find faculty members who want to get to know you and help you succeed both here at Winthrop and after graduation. Each spends many hours working with students outside of the classroom. Some of the interaction involves academic and career advisement, but much involves informal conversations that cross almost every conceivable topic from sports to politics to religion. Classes are small and are taught only by faculty members, never by graduate students.  Our introductory classes average about 40 students and upper-level classes average about 25.
  3. Academic Opportunities
    You will find many academic opportunities outside of the regular classroom as well. Our students take advantage of exchange programs both within the U.S. and abroad, internships, honors courses, and independent research under the direction of faculty members, all of whom have published multiple articles in professional journals in recent years.
  4. Diverse student body
    You will interact with a very diverse group of students. In addition to sharing in the excellent mix of students that are attracted to Winthrop, marketing courses are required for all College of Business and Technology students.  You'll be in classes with students from numerous states and countries which will enhance your cultural awareness and diversity.
  5. Career opportunities
    Our students have been successful in entering graduate programs, in landing promising entry level jobs and, more importantly, in advancing in those positions through time.