
All academic programs engage in either an institutional program review or an accreditation program review. Although similar in intent and outcomes, the Self-Study template and External Review Team selection process vary between the two types of program reviews.

The two-year academic program review process consists of three phases.

  • The first phase of an academic program review is the development of a written Self-Study, generally the responsibility of a programmatic committee. This self-reflective process involves all program faculty, allowing each to provide meaningful input to the program’s Self-Study.

  • The second phase of an academic program review involves a review of the Self-Study by an External Review Team and an on-site visit or electronic meetings. A written External Review Team Report is submitted, recognizing the strengths of the program and suggesting recommendations for improvement.

  • The third phase of an academic program review is the creation of an Action Plan, using results of the Self-Study and the External Review Team’s findings to enhance program quality and student learning, as well as to inform resource allocations. Developed by program faculty, with approval from the dean, the Action Plan articulates objectives, actions, timelines, responsible individuals, resources, and assessment strategies.

The Academic Program Review Manual (PDF - 368 KB) provides additional details for each phase of an academic program review, as well as roles and responsibilities of various campus constituencies.