Data Dictionary

The terms defined below may help in better understanding the data provided by the Office of Institutional Research.



Academic Period

Represents a portion of the academic year.  The university recognizes three (3) terms: fall, spring, and summer.

Academic Probation

A status given to undergraduate students the first semester they earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) falling below 2.00. A student on academic probation whose semester GPA is 2.00 or higher is not suspended at the close of that semester even though the cumulative GPA remains below 2.00. The student is removed from academic probation at the close of the semester in which the cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 2.00.

Academic Year

The academic year is broken into fall, spring, and summer semesters and runs August to July.


A part of the registration process that allows students to change their course schedules by adding or dropping courses.


Applicants who have been granted an official offer to enroll in the university.


A member of the faculty who provides advice and guidance on academic matters such as course selection.


An individual who has submitted an application for admission to the university.


Term used when a student elects to take a course without receiving credit.


The university’s enterprise-level information system of record, comprising the student information system, the financial information system, and the human resources information system. 


A date set by the university on which it takes a “snapshot” of all student enrollment, which becomes the official enrollment used for state and federal reporting.  A census is taken each term (fall, spring, and summer).


The SC Commission on Higher Education coordinates and oversees the state’s system of postsecondary education.

CIP Code

A six-digit code in the form xx.xxxx that identifies instructional program specialties within educational institutions. CIP codes are used to categorize courses, student majors, and faculty credentials.


A specific group of students established for tracking purposes.

Commuter Student

A student who lives off campus and commutes to campus to attend classes.

Continuing Student

A student currently enrolled who was also enrolled at the university during the previous regular term.


Regularly scheduled class on a particular subject.

Course Load

The number of courses/credit hours a student takes during a specific semester.

Credits/Credit Hours

Units used by institutions to record the completion of courses (with a passing grade) in a degree program.

Degree Program Enrollment

Number of students enrolled in degree programs, including double and triple majors and students pursuing multiple degrees, multiple minors, and/or multiple concentrations. Tables and charts produced by the Office of IR with this label reflect duplicated student counts.

End of Semester

Reporting period consisting of students who completed the semester.  This list excludes students who withdrew, dropped, or stopped attending during the regular semester period. The end-of-semester snapshot is typically taken three days after Commencement.


To register for at least one course at the university.


Tables and charts produced by the Office of IR labeled ‘enrollment’ reflect distinct, unduplicated student counts. Students with double majors or pursuing multiple degrees are counted under their primary major only.

First Academic Suspension

Students on probation with a subsequent violation in the next fall or spring semester result in this status.

First Generation in College (IPEDS/federal government definition)

Undergraduate students who indicated neither parent ever enrolled in postsecondary education. First generation status is optional, self-reported data as of the time of the student’s admission to Winthrop.

First Generation in College (TRIO definition)

Undergraduate students who indicated neither parent completed a baccalaureate degree. First generation status is optional, self-reported data as of the time of the student’s admission to Winthrop.

First-Time Freshman (FTF)

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. It also includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits or postsecondary formal award earned before graduation from high school). Also called New Freshman.


A degree-seeking student who has earned fewer than 24 credit hours, regardless of whether the student is new to Winthrop.

FTE (Full-time Equivalency) Enrollment

The full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment of students is a single value providing a meaningful combination of full-time and part-time students. IPEDS data products currently have two calculations of FTE students, one using fall student headcounts and the other using 12-month instructional faculty. CHE calculates FTE enrollment by dividing the total credit hours produced by undergraduates by 15, dividing the total credit hours produced by graduate students by 12, and summing the two.

Full-Time Student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled in 12 or more credits.  Graduate: A student enrolled in 9 or more credits.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A numerical representation of a student’s overall academic performance, based on a 4.0 scale.  The GPA is determined after each semester; for each semester and cumulatively.

Graduate Student

Student who has earned a baccalaureate degree and is enrolled at the graduate level at the institution.

Graduating Senior

An undergraduate student who has earned at least 87 hours, met degree requirements, and applied to graduate.

Graduation Rate

Percent of the First-Time, Full-Time Freshman Cohort who are awarded a Bachelor’s degree by the end of the summer term of their fourth academic year or sixth academic year of study (“4-year Graduation Rate” and “6-year Graduation Rate”, respectively).


A distinct count of persons, irrespective of full-time or part-time status.

High School/Dual Enrollment

A student who is still in high school but has special permission to take a college level course.

HOPE Scholarship

A merit-based scholarship awarded to South Carolina residents enrolled in a degree-seeking program at a SC institution. Qualifying criteria is a 3.0 high school GPA. HOPE is awarded for the first year only. Recipients who earn an average of 30 credit hours with a 3.0 GPA by the end of their first year in college move into the LIFE scholarship in their second academic year. 

In-State Student

A student who meets the university’s requirements for South Carolina residency.

International Student

A student who received high school equivalent credentials in a country outside the United States.


The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System is the postsecondary data collection program of the National Center for Education Statistics, a part of the US Department of Education. Institutions receiving federal student financial assistance must annually complete the IPEDS data collection process.


A degree seeking student who has earned at least 54 credit hours but fewer than 87 credit hours.

LIFE Scholarship

A merit-based scholarship awarded to South Carolina residents enrolled in a degree-seeking program at a SC institution. Qualifying criteria include meeting two of the following three criteria: minimum 3.0 high school GPA, 1100 SAT or 22 ACT, and rank in top 30% of graduating class. Continued eligibility criteria include earning an average of 30 credit hours with a 3.0 GPA by the end of the first academic year.

Lower Division/Lower Level

When used to refer to students, Lower Division includes freshmen and sophomores. When used to refer to courses, Lower Division includes courses at the 100- and 200-level.

New Freshman

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. It also includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits or postsecondary formal award earned before graduation from high school). Also called First-Time Freshman.

New Graduate Student

Student enrolled at the graduate level at the institution for the first time.

New Transfer

A student in their first term of enrollment at Winthrop who previously attended another postsecondary institution. It also includes transfers enrolled in the fall term who attended Winthrop for the first time in the prior summer. New transfer students who continue to their second term at Winthrop are classified as continuing students.

Non-Degree Seeking

A student who is taking at least one class without the intention of working toward or receiving a degree.

Out-of-State Student

A student who does not meet the university’s requirements for South Carolina residency.

Palmetto Fellows Scholarship

A merit-based scholarship awarded to South Carolina residents who are enrolled in a degree-seeking program at a SC institution. Qualifying criteria include 3.5 GPA, 1200 SAT or 25 ACT, and rank in top 6% of class. Alternative criteria include 4.0 GPA and 1400 SAT or 31 ACT. Continued eligibility criteria include earning an average of 30 credit hours with a 3.0 GPA by the end of each academic year.

Part-time Student

Undergraduate:  A student enrolled in fewer than 12 credits. Graduate:  A student enrolled in fewer than 9 credits.

Pell Eligible Student

Student eligible to receive a Pell Grant, a form of federal aid awarded to degree-seeking undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need.

Permanent Dismissal

Students readmitted for a second time after second academic suspension who fail to achieve the specified minimum cumulative GPA are permanently dismissed from the university.

Program Enrollment

Number of students enrolled in degree programs, including double and triple majors and students pursuing multiple degrees, multiple minors, and/or multiple concentrations. Tables and charts produced by the Office of IR with this label reflect duplicated student counts.


A reporting construct developed by the US Department of Education for collecting information related to an individual’s self-reported racial and ethnic identity. The university must report Race/Ethnicity according to the guidelines set forth by the US Department of Education and the National Center for Education Statistics'  Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.


A student returning after missing one or more regular term (fall or spring). 


The process in which students choose and enroll in courses for an academic term.

Retention Rate

Percent of the First-time Full-time Freshman Cohort who are enrolled as of the Census Date for the subsequent fall term.

Second Academic Suspension

Students on first academic suspension who fail to meet the specified minimum GPA receive this designation for one calendar year.


Periods of study associated with the time of year in attendance.  Example:  Fall Semester, Spring Semester and/or Summer Semester.


A degree seeking student who has earned at least 87 credit hours.


A degree seeking student who has earned at least 24 credit hours but fewer than 54 credit hours.


A student who has not been admitted into a degree-seeking program.

Transfer Credit

Credit awarded toward a degree on the basis of studies completed at another institution or by examination (i.e., AP or IB).


Students from other colleges and universities who are admitted to take summer work provided they are in good standing at their institutions.

Transfer Student

A student entering Winthrop for the first time but known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate).


The amount of money charged to students for instructional services.  Tuition may be charged per semester, per course or per credit.

Undecided/Undeclared Student

A student that has not formally chosen or declared a major.

Undergraduate Student

Student who is enrolled at the institution and has not yet earned a baccalaureate degree.

Upper Division/Upper Level

When used to refer to students, Upper Division includes juniors and seniors. When used to refer to courses, Upper Division includes courses at the 300- and 400-level.


Dropping all courses for the term after the term/session/semester has begun.