Fact Book

The Winthrop University Fact Book is an annual publication of the Office of Institutional Research. The fact book is a collection of information which is designed to assist administrators, faculty, staff and other University constituents with statistical references about the institution. Unless otherwise noted, the data collected and reported through the Fact Book are considered the official data for the University.

Every effort has been made to include within this publication the data most often requested. Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated as the Office of Institutional Research attempts to produce a collection that meets the needs of the University community.

Please direct comments and suggestions to the Institutional Research office at ie@winthrop.edu.

For more detailed data, data otherwise unavailable in the Quick Facts or Fact Book, and for all other data requests, please submit an official data request via the Institutional Research website and the Data Request Form.

          Undergraduate Degrees Conferred by Year*

          Undergraduate Degrees Conferred by Semester & Concentration*

          Graduate Degrees Conferred by Year*

          Graduate Degrees Conferred by Semester & Concentration*

          *Links will become live as data are available.

          2023-24 Combined Fact Book*

          *Links will become live as data are available.

        Between 2000 and 2010 Winthrop Institutional Research created static Fact Books each year with official institutional data. In 2010, the Fact Book was discontinued. In 2022, Institutional Research has re-introduced the Fact Book to the Winthrop community. There may be differences in the format of the Fact Book between those in 2000-2010 and 2022 and beyond.

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    If you find that you need additional data, please click on our link to the Institutional Research Data Request Form