McNair Scholars

Course Descriptions

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McNair 300

MCNR 300 is the flagship course for the Winthrop McNair Scholars Program. The primary purpose of this course is to prepare Scholars to successfully complete a meaningful research or scholarly activity. Class sessions will include basic information about literature review, research methodology, statistical analysis, and presentation preparation. Scholars will receive individualized support for their project from their mentor, the course instructor, the Methodology and Statistics Coach (Dr. Matt Hayes), and the Writing Specialist (Stephanie Bartlett). A secondary purpose of the course is to provide experiences that will foster student success in the early stages of the graduate admissions process. To this end, Scholars will learn about searching for and choosing graduate programs as well as receive GRE preparation.

McNair 302

This course is specifically designed to address the third mandatory objective of the Winthrop McNair Scholars Program which states:

  • 50% of bachelor's degree recipients will enroll in a post baccalaureate program by the fall term of the academic year immediately following completion of that degree.

With support from the instructor, Writing Coach, and program staff, students in this course will prepare applications for graduate programs in the discipline of their choice and prepare for graduate program interviews.