Design Student Encourages Young Readers to Start Early

December 14, 2022


  • Savannah Hynes is a junior visual communication design major from Sumter.

SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA – When the Sumter County Library decided it needed new children’s library cards to help incentivize young readers, library employee Julie Hynes knew just who to call: her daughter, Savannah, a visual communication design major at Winthrop University. 

The new library card design includes an open book with a small leaf growing from it over a colorful background. The words “read,” “learn” and “grow” are prominently featured – and for good reason.

“My focus was on the library’s motto: Read, Learn, Grow,” Savannah Hynes explained. “I also knew I wanted to include bright and fun colors for the children. With my mom’s input, I sketched out the book and the plant growing out of it. Once everything was digitalized, I played around with fonts and color combinations until it became what it is now.”

The free card has been available to children up to 12 years old in Sumter County this fall. Hynes said the feedback has been great. 

“I’ve visited the library a couple of times since designing the card and everyone has always been very positive,” she said. “I’m excited that my work is being put out there, especially since I still consider myself a newbie to all this graphic design work. I’ve seen a few pictures of kids posing for a picture while holding their own cards, and that’s the stuff I love to see.”

This design experience was particularly rewarding for Hynes as she recently switched her major from integrated marketing communication to graphic design. She hopes to incorporate multiple aspects of IMC—public relations, advertising and consumer focus—with her artistic side. 

Yet another example of Winthrop Eagles making a difference!

Why Winthrop?

For Hynes, Winthrop was always the first choice.

“I like the connections you can make with professors and the more intimate class sizes,” she said. “It makes me feel like I’m part of a cool group, not just another student in a seminar with 300 others. I’ve really enjoyed the design department so far, and it has tons of options for classes.”

For more information on Winthrop’s visual communication design major, visit the website or call 803/323-3686. 

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