Elementary Education Major Brings Worship and Dance to Guatemala

November 26, 2019


  • Orrico is a freshman elementary education major from Florence, South Carolina. 
  • Curtain Call collects new and gently used dance clothing, costumes and accessories.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA -- Sitting in the church pews of The King’s Academy, Isabella Orrico couldn’t breathe. 

Each year, her private Christian school gave a presentation showcasing the different locations students could choose for their missionary work. Most of the slides had passed, and Orrico hadn’t felt the call. 

Then, Guatemala, a Central-American country south of Mexico, appeared on the screen. 

“I almost couldn’t breathe,” said the Florence, South Carolina, elementary education major. “I got chills. God said, ‘Isabella, this is your place, this is where you need to go.’” 

Since then, she’s traveled to Guatemala twice on week-long mission trips and begun her non-profit, Curtain Call. 

Curtain Call collects new and gently used dance clothing, costumes and accessories, which Orrico then hand-delivers to children in the Guatemalan towns in which she’s served as a missionary. Since forming the non-profit three years ago, she’s collected hundreds of items. 

“I love dance, I’ve always loved to dance,” Orrico said. “It’s opened a lot of ways to share the Bible.” She’s danced for two years in Joy Dance Campany, a Christian contemporary worship dance group. 

Her mission work has included sharing the gospel, spending time at a Guatemalan school, performing skits, helping with feeding programs and more. One little boy named Eduardo touched her heart forever. 

“He’s just changed my life in the best way for the better,” she said. “It’s just something about him. He was so full of energy. …Sometimes someone comes into your life for a short time. I’m so blessed.” 

Orrico hopes to return to Guatemala on more mission trips in the near future and to continue her work with Curtain Call. 

For more information, contact Nicole Chisari, communications coordinator, at 803/323-2236 or chisarin@winthrop.edu.

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