Faculty Members Granted Tenure, Promotion or Emeritus Status

June 22, 2018

Quick Facts

bullet point The 15 retiring faculty members have contributed a combined total of 409 years of service, according to Provost Debra Boyd.
bullet point The Board of Trustees also supported the nominations for tenure and promotion as presented by the Division of Academic Affairs.

Debra Boyd

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — The Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved 15 retiring faculty members for emeritus status and heard about the latest faculty promotions at the June 22 board meeting.

The 15 retiring faculty members have contributed a combined total of 409 years of service, according to Provost Debra Boyd.

They are: Charles Alvis, professor of accounting; Mary Chamberlain, instructor of education; Clarence Coleman, professor of accounting; Mary Bearden Martin, professor of education; Paula Mitchell, professor of biology; Mary Moody, professor of fine arts; Phil Moody, professor of fine arts; Jason Silverman, professor of history; Susan Silverman, professor at Dacus Library; Jane Smith, professor of English; Marilyn Smith, professor of management; Gary Stone, professor of economics; Gale Teaster, associate professor in Dacus Library; Andrew Vorder Bruegge, professor of theatre; and Annie-Laurie Wheat, professor of theatre.

The Board of Trustees also supported the nominations for tenure and promotion as presented by the Division of Academic Affairs.

The nine faculty members granted tenure are: in the College of Arts and Sciences, Maria Aysa-Lastra, sociology; Eric Birgbauer, biology; Tara Collins, psychology; Amanda Hiner, English; Sarah Reiland, psychology; and William Schulte, mass communication. In the College of Visual and Performing Arts, those who received tenure are: Stacy Davidson, fine arts; Jeffrey McEvoy, music; and Meg Schriffen, dance.

There were 23 faculty members promoted to professor or associate professor.

Promoted to the rank of professor are:
in the College of Arts and Sciences, Greg Oakes, philosophy; Kathy Lyon, psychology; and Kelly Richardson, English; in the College of Business Administration, Barbara Burgess-Wilkerson and Melissa Carsten, both management; in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Kathryn Davis, PE education; Shawnna Helf and Kavin Ming, both literacy; and in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Tomoko Deguchi and Mark Lewis, both music.

Promoted to the rank of associate professor from assistant professor are: in the College of Arts and Sciences, Zachary Abernathy, mathematics; Meir Barak, biology; Leslie Bickford, English; Tara Collins, psychology; Dustin Hoffman, English; Sarah Reiland, psychology; and William Schulte, mass communication; in the College of Business Administration, Adriana Cordis, accounting, and Philip Gibson, finance; and in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Stacey Davidson, fine arts; Emily Morgan, dance; Tracy Patterson, music; and Meg Schriffen, dance.

For more information, please contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at 803/323-2404 or e-mail longshawj@winthrop.edu.

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