Frank Ardaiolo Honored with Dream Keeper Award

January 16, 2018

Quick Facts

bullet point Frank Ardaiolo, vice president for student life at Winthrop University, received the 2018 Dream Keeper Award during the city of Rock Hill's Jan. 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Prayer Breakfast.
bullet point The award recognizes an individual who exemplifies ideals of social responsibility, political empowerment, diversity, racial harmony, nonviolence, and unselfish service.
bullet point In his 29 years at Winthrop, Ardaiolo has dedicated himself to helping students as well as promoting diversity, citizenship and internationality in his work and private life.

Ardaiolo with Major John Gettys.
Photo by Jeff Sochko

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — Frank Ardaiolo, vice president for student life at Winthrop University, received the 2018 Dream Keeper Award during the city of Rock Hill's Jan. 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Prayer Breakfast. The award recognizes an individual who exemplifies ideals of social responsibility, political empowerment, diversity, racial harmony, nonviolence, and unselfish service.

In his 29 years at Winthrop, Ardaiolo has dedicated himself to helping students as well as promoting diversity, citizenship and internationality in his work and private life. He has led student and alumni trips to Greece, Turkey, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Ireland and Great Britain in an effort to raise global awareness.

Raised in Portugal and West Africa, Ardaiolo has served as chair of the Board of Trustees for Friends of Liberia, a non-profit, non-governmental organization. He also served as a United Nations-sanctioned peacekeeper during the 2005 Liberian elections.

Closer to home, Ardaiolo was an original member of the city's No Room for Racism committee. In addition, he served as an active member, and chair, on the city of Rock Hill's Committee on Human Relations. He also chaired the city's Hispanic Education Task Force and the International Center of York County. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Keystone Substance Abuse Services.

Surprised with the award at the Jan. 15 breakfast, Ardaiolo said that he was humbled by his selection, and that all of his mentioned accomplishments were made possible because Winthrop supported and encouraged his involvement in public service.

For more information, please contact Monica Bennett, director of communications, at 803/323-2236 or e-mail

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