Physical Education Professor Promotes Healthy Walking With New Text

May 11, 2017

Quick Facts

bullet point "Walking for Everyone" is available on Amazon for $20 (online, downloadable version) or $40 for a physical copy.
bullet point The book speaks to people who are just starting to take that first step to a healthier life, with chapters on form, nutrition, clothing, safety and other activities.

Shelley Hamill

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Studies show that many health issues revolve around a person's inactivity and lack of good nutrition.

"Living long is one thing, but living a long, healthy and happy life is our goal," said Shelley Hamill, professor of health and physical education at Winthrop University.

She hopes to help people achieve that "long, healthy, happy" kind of life with her new book, "Walking for Everyone" (Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2017).

"It's for people interested in getting started. The first step to move, and typically walking is how we start. It is about them making the effort and saying, ˜This matters. I am important, and I need to take this first step,'" Hamill said.

Hamill taught a walking class for the first time last summer. While the textbooks previously used for the class were good, they included much more information than a basic walking class needed, Hamill said, and she was inspired to create a new, specific text. She worked with graduate assistants, who developed PowerPoints for each chapter. The final product will be used for all future walking courses at Winthrop and is available to other universities and individuals alike.

The book speaks to people who are just starting to take that first step to a healthier life, with chapters on form, nutrition, clothing, safety and other activities. It also includes assessments and a walking journal, where people can track their progress.

The final chapter talks about how to mix up walking workouts by adding machines, weight-lifting, yoga and more to the routine.

Hamill has some advice for people who want to take that first step.

"Just do it," she said. "I know that's simple, but you have to get moving. If you have any health issues or concerns, talk to your health care provider, of course, but we have to start somewhere. Get yourself off of couch or out of that chair and take that first step and say ˜I can do this.' Walk around the block or maybe in the mall, but get moving!"

"Walking for Everyone" is available for purchase through Amazon. The downloadable online version is $20, while the physical book costs $40.

For more information, contact Nicole Chisari, communications coordinator, at 803/323-2236 or

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