Social Work Department Celebrates Month Honoring the Profession

March 07, 2024


  • March is National Social Work Month, which means it’s the best time to celebrate the many positive contributions this important profession makes to society. 
  • This year mark 50 years of baccalaureate social work education at Winthrop. 

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – March is National Social Work Month, which means it’s the best time to celebrate the many positive contributions this important profession makes to society. 

At Winthrop University, the Department of Social Work has an additional reason to celebrate: 2024 marks 50 years of the university’s offering accredited baccalaureate social work education. 

Department Chair Anthony Hill noted that social workers have helped the nation tackle major societal challenges for more than a century, including equal rights, improved workforce safety and minimum wage.

"Our nation continues to face challenges ahead, including a higher demand for mental health services,” he said. “Our society must empower and support social workers so they can continue to help millions worldwide improve their lives."

This year’s National Social Work Month theme is “Empowering Social Workers,” and Winthrop social work faculty, staff and students have several events fulfilling that theme. 

All month long – Walk a Mile in Their Socks

The Phi Alpha Honor Society (Social Work) and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society have teamed up to collect socks to donate to the Catawba Area Coalition for the Homeless. Socks are the most requested item in homeless shelters. They hope to collect one mile’s worth of socks, or about 275 pairs. 

Socks can be any size, but they must be new. Donation bins are located at Bancroft Hall’s main entrance, at 121 Bancroft and 220 Dalton Hall. 

Other events: 

MSW Info Sessions
Friday, March 15, and Friday, March 29, both at 12 p.m. Online event. Register here.

Child & Youth Well-being Minor Book Club Kickoff 
Thursday, March 21, 11 a.m., 138 Bancroft

Planting Pinwheels
Friday, March 22, 11 a.m., in front of Bancroft. 

The Social Work Club and department faculty team up each year to plant pinwheels to raise awareness about child abuse. 

National Association of Social Workers Legislative Day
Friday, March 22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Online event. 

The South Carolina chapter of the National Association of Social Workers will bring together social work students and advocates to discuss key legislative and social justice issues. Winthrop is one of seven higher education institutions participating. Register for the Zoom event here.

As for 50th anniversary events, while the department recently hosted a reception for current and past social work students and graduates, more events are in the works for the fall, including a speaker series, community service project, 5K run/walk, and networking during Homecoming and Reunion. Stayed tuned for updates.

For more information on Winthrop’s social work programs, visit the website or call 803/323-2168. 

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