Teachers From the Carolinas Learn About Cybersecurity and Robots on Oct. 21

October 17, 2017

Quick Facts

bullet point Each participant will build a robot on Oct. 21, using the cybersecurity curriculum from Academic Division of the Cyber Innovation Center in Bossier City, Louisiana.
bullet point The teachers from North and South Carolina will be able to take the robot back to their schools to use with students.

Joyce Camp

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — Teachers from the Carolinas who participated in a summer GenCyber Teacher camp will return to Winthrop University on Oct. 21.

This follow-up event will showcase ideas from teachers on how they are implementing at their schools what they learned during the summer camp. Each participant will build a robot on Oct. 21, using the cybersecurity curriculum from Academic Division of the Cyber Innovation Center in Bossier City, Louisiana. A team of curriculum specialists will be on campus for the event.

The teachers from North and South Carolina will be able to take the robot back to their schools to use with students, according to organizer Joyce Camp, director of the Instructional Technology Center at Winthrop's Richard W. Riley College of Education.
The summer camp and follow-up event are funded through a $70,000 grant from GenCyber, sponsored by the National Security Agency and National Science Foundation.
Its purpose is to enable Winthrop faculty to help teachers understand and learn the new K-8 Computer Science and Digital Literacy standards and make connections to experts in the field of cybersecurity and computer science.

Joyce Camp and Marguerite Doman of the College of Business Administration wrote and executed the grant.

Teachers interested in being considered as a participant in the 2018 GenCyber Teacher camp can e-mail gencybercamp@winthrop.edu with the subject line "2018 camp." If Winthrop is awarded the grant again, organizers will contact possible participants.

For more information, contact Joyce Camp at campj@winthrop.edu.

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