Two Diverse Local Authors to Visit Campus

February 05, 2016

Quick Facts

 Author Stephanie Elizondo Griest will visit Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. in Frances May Barnes Recital Hall.
 Poet Metta-Sáma Melvin's visit is set for April 6 at 7 p.m. in Tuttle Dining Room.

/uploadedImages/news/Articles/THCSCcolorlogo.jpg ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Two diverse local writers will visit the Winthrop University campus this semester, thanks to a generous grant from The Humanities Councilsc.

Join us for these very special visits. Both visits are free and open to the public. They're also approved cultural events.

Author Stephanie Elizondo Griest
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 7 p.m.
Frances May Barnes Recital Hall

Griest has won awards for her travel memoirs "Around the Blog: My Life in Moscow, Beijing, and Havana" and "Mexican Enough: My Life Between the Borderlines" as well as the guidebook "100 Places Every Woman Should Go." Her next publication will be a collection of essays about the U.S. borderlands.

Griest is currently an assistant professor and the Margaret R. Shuping Fellow of Creative Nonfiction at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Poet Metta-Sáma Melvin

Wednesday, April 6, 7 p.m.
Tuttle Dining Room

Melvin is the author of multiple thrilling poetry collections that explore identity, race, gender and region, including "Nocturne Trio" and "South of Here." Her work can be seen in publications such as "Blackbird," "bluestem," "Esque" and "Pebble Lake Review," among others.

She is currently the director of creative writing and an assistant professor at Salem College.

Assistant Professor of English Dustin M. Hoffman and a student intern spent some of the last semester researching and studying authors who work and write in the Carolinas, all in a quest to find the most interesting writers for the grant.

"We wanted to bring diverse local writers to campus, and I think we have two powerful voices," he said of the upcoming visits. "Metta-Sáma and Stephanie are the perfect voices for an audience like Winthrop University, and I'm confident our students will find them very exciting."

For more information, contact Nicole Chisari, communications coordinator, via e-mail or 803/323-2236.

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