Winthrop Board of Trustees Approves Undergraduate, Graduate Tuition Increase for 2018-19

July 02, 2018

Quick Facts

bullet point Winthrop in-state undergraduate students will pay $7,615 in the fall 2018 semester, $180 more than in fall 2017.
bullet point This is the fifth year in a row the board has approved a historically low tuition increase.
bullet point The increase, which takes effect for the 2018-19 academic year, is necessary to respond to state-mandated increases in the university's contributions to employee pension and health insurance plans and will also help ramp up online class instruction and pay for instructional and scientific equipment.

Justin Oates

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — For the fifth year in a row, the Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved an historically low tuition increase. During a July 3 teleconference scheduled after receiving clarity on the state budget, the trustees unanimously approved a 2.4 percent undergraduate tuition increase for in-state and out-of-state students.

Winthrop in-state undergraduate students will pay $7,615 in the fall 2018 semester, $180 more than in fall 2017. Out-of-state students will pay $14,743 this fall semester -- $350 more than a year ago.

Based on the cost of attendance after the application of financial aid, this increase will keep the total cost for students — tuition, fees, room and board - in the middle range for S.C. public universities.

"The Board of Trustees remains focused on striking the right balance of maintaining affordability while ensuring a quality education for our Winthrop students," said Justin Oates, vice president for finance and business affairs.

"Winthrop is a great value as it is large enough to create extensive learning and living opportunities yet small enough to provide students with individual attention in and out of the classroom."

The increase, which takes effect for the 2018-19 academic year, is necessary to respond to state-mandated increases in the university's contributions to employee pension and health insurance plans. It also will help ramp up online class instruction and pay for instructional and scientific equipment.

Trustees approved a 2.4 percent tuition increase for campus-based Graduate School programs. In-state graduate students will pay $635 per credit hour, and out-of-state graduate students will pay $1,222 per credit hour.

Winthrop room and board fees, which vary according to the type of housing and meal plans chosen, will see a 2.4 percent increase and remain lower than at many other S.C. universities. The trustees, recognizing the importance of keeping increases to the total cost of education to a minimum, approved a room and board fee increase that is significantly less than previous years.

More information on tuition and fees is available on the Cashier's Office website. Or you can contact Nicole Chisari, communications coordinator, at 803/323-2236 or

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