Winthrop Honors Retirees and Award Winners at Annual Ceremony

April 23, 2018

Quick Facts

bullet point Winthrop recognized retirees, state service recipients and several faculty and staff with award.
bullet point Four faculty members earned top teaching awards.

Cid Carvalho and President Dan Mahony
Karen Stock and VP Frank Ardaiolo

Daniela Aguilar and President Dan Mahony

Robin Lammi and President Dan Mahony
ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — During Winthrop University's April 24 Faculty, Staff, Retirees Awards Ceremony, the university honored retirees and those with milestone years of service and for outstanding service.
The retirees are:
Frank Ardaiolo, student life
Debi Barber, admissions
Carlton Bessinger, human nutrition
Lisa Brody, President's Office
Mary Chamberlain, Macfeat Early Childhood Laboratory School
Clarence Coleman, accounting, finance and economics
Mark Cooke, athletics
Melissa Davis, College of Business Administration
Charlene Drummond, Dacus Library
Walter Hardin, facilities management
Brenda Knox, Dacus Library
Mary Martin, counseling, leadership and educational studies
Linda Mason, psychology
Antje Mays, Dacus Library
J.P. McKee, finance and business
Lee Miller, chemistry, physics and geology
Marge Moody, fine arts
Phil Moody, fine arts
Deana Morrow, social work
Maureen Reavis, health services
Emma Jane Riddle, management and marketing
Mary Roseboro, facilities management
Chris Schilff, Postal Center
Carol Schlabach, English
Terry Sexton, purchasing
Jason Silverman, history
Susan Silverman, Dacus Library
Jane B. Smith, English
Marilyn Smith, management and marketing
Mitzi Stewart, facilities management
Gary Stone, accounting, finance and economics
Carolyn Sumner, fine arts
Gale Y. Teaster, Dacus Library
Andrew Vorder Bruegge, theatre and dance
Brenda Watson, facilities management
Annie-Laurie Wheat, theatre and dance
Frank Zebedis, campus police

Winthrop officials also recognized employees who reached their 10-, 20-, 30- and 40-year state service milestones. Those employees are:

10 Years
Willie Aiken, chemistry, physics and geology
Niki Behr, payroll
Kaye Burks, human resources
Casey Cothran, English
Alan Davis, Richard W. Riley College of Education
Biff Edge, theatre and dance
Barbara Emory, payroll
Nicole Ford, health services
Kenny Gallagher, facilities management
Rich Gates, facilities management
Donna Guerra, music
Matt Hayes, psychology
Joan Hetherington, facilities management
Ann Jordan, English
Malayka Klimchak, management and marketing
Debra Leach, counseling, leadership and educational studies
Leonard Lewis, music
Cynthia Macri, English
Frank Montgomery, facilities management
Jimmy Moree, facilities management
Ralinda Register, student affairs
Megan Rolf, admissions
Seth Rouser, fine arts
Katherine Sardelli, University College
Spiro Shetuni, Dacus Library
Bobby Snyder, facilities management
Larry Stevens, management and marketing
Ginia Tawse, International Center
Laura Ullrich, accounting, finance and economics
James Watts, facilities management
Scott Werts, chemistry, physics and geology

20 Years
Siobhan Brownson, English
Alice Burmeister, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Andy Doyle, history
Lisa Harris, curriculum and pedagogy
Jamilyn Larsen, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Eric Moss, computing and information technology
Louis Pantuosco, accounting, finance and economics
Keith Robbins, management and marketing
Chad Russell, facilities management
Craig Sauvigne, computing and information technology
Kelly Shelton, The Inn at Winthrop
Kelly Shepherd, finance and business
Jeff Sinn, psychology
Kathie Snyder, chemistry, physics and geology

30 Years
Pat Ballard, Dacus Library
Phyllis Brevard, financial aid
Jim Connell, fine arts
Laura Foster, career and civic engagement
Pam Garrison, Dacus Library
Walter Hardin, facilities management
Gloria Jones, University College
Antigo Martin-Delaney, psychology
Chris Schilff, Postal Center
Jane B. Smith, English
Jane Thomas, management and marketing

40 Years
Gay Randolph, College of Business Administration
Gale Y. Teaster, Dacus Library

Janice Chism, professor of biology, was honored as the Distinguished Professor, Winthrop's highest award for faculty members. Chism becomes the first faculty member to win all four of Winthrop's teaching awards: Distinguished Professor, Outstanding Junior Professor, Kinard Award for Excellence in Teaching and Jane LaRoche Graduate Faculty Award.
Zachary Abernathy, an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, and Andrew Besmer, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Quantitative Methods are the Outstanding Junior Professor recipients.
Lisa Harris, an associate professor of curriculum and pedagogy, is the Jane LaRoche Graduate Faculty Award recipient.
Cid Carvalho, women's head tennis coach, was the recipient of the Mary Spann Richardson Award which was created by siblings Rowland P. Alston Jr., William E. Lenoir, Jr and Victoria Lenoir Saunders '79 in memory of their mother. The award honors a faculty or staff member for exceptional service, professional excellence and the ability to provide Winthrop with positive visibility throughout the region.
Karen Stock, professor of fine arts, received the Faculty Student Life Award for her broad and deep interactions with student life efforts, and for her contributions to various initiatives that have had a positive impact on students' lives.
Staff Member of the Year was awarded to Daniela Aguilar, admissions coordinator for the Graduate School. Nominees came out of the pool of employees who won Staff Member of the Month awarded by Staff Assembly. The award recognizes an employee who exemplifies Winthrop's core values, goes above and beyond to do great work, and sets an example for other staff members to follow.
President Dan Mahony also honored Robin Lammi, professor of chemistry, with the Winthrop Award of Excellence, which is a prestigious honor created to recognize individuals who have excelled in implementing the Winthrop Plan, the university's strategic plan. Award selection is based on the individual nominee's noteworthy contributions to the realization of one or more of the major goals of the Winthrop Plan.
For more information, contact Monica Bennett, director of communications, at 803/323-2236 or

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