Winthrop Honors Retirees, Service Award Recipients and Award Winners

April 27, 2021


  • The ceremony is held every April to honor faculty, staff and retirees.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – During Winthrop University’s April 27 Faculty, Staff, Retirees Awards Ceremony, the university honored retirees and those with milestone years of service and for outstanding service.

The retirees are:

Jack Allen, campus police
Pat Ballard, Dacus Library
Mary Jo Barreto, health services

Judy Basehore, student financial services

Barbara Bolin, facilities management

Marsha Bollinger, interdisciplinary studies

Debra Boyd, English

Shirley Brice, facilities management

Georgia Ferguson, Controller’s Office

Laura Foster, Center for Career Development and Internships

Donald Flanell Friedman, world languages and cultures

Ruth Gaylor, student academic services

JoAnn Gilley, financial aid

Mark Herring, Dacus Library

Gloria Jones, University College

Peter Judge, philosophy and religious studies

Mary Ellen Lorow, Macfeat Early Childhood Laboratory School

Amanda Maghsoud, finance and business

Bethany Marlowe, Student Affairs

Antigo Martin-Delaney, psychology

Linda McKeown, biology

Linda Pickett, James and Susan Rex Institute for Educational Renewal and Partnership

Gay Randolph, College of Business Administration

Bill Rogers, biology
Chris Van Aller, political science

Winthrop officials also recognized employees who reached their 10-, 20-, 30- and 40-year state service milestones. Those employees are:

10 Years
Barbara Bolin, facilities management
Chia-Lan Chang, history
Adriana Cordis, accounting, finance and economics
Gregory Crider, history
Billy Dahlgren, Student Affairs
Donald Davis, facilities management
Marguerite Doman, computer science and quantitative methods
Anna Fredericks, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Jerry Fussell, Student Affairs
Ruth Gaylor, student academic services

JoAnn Gilley, financial aid
Charles Grant, facilities management

Nick Grossoehme, chemistry, physics and geology

Kunsiri Grubbs, biology

Michelle Hare, financial aid

Shawnna Helf, curriculum and pedagogy

Bessie Hughes, facilities management

George Hynd, Office of the President

Anna Litzenberger, university advancement

Jayne Maas, accounting, finance and economics

Bobby McClure, facilities management

Jennifer McDaniel, social work

Geoff Morrow, physical education, sport and human performance

Tally Peake, facilities management

Robert Prickett, English

Jamie Ray, university communications and marketing

Spencer Smith, athletics

Julia Taggart, campus police

Christopher Ward, social work

Kimarie Whetstone, Winthrop Office of Online Learning

Janet Wojcik, physical education, sport and human performance

20 Years
Leslie Bickford, English
Deborah Broome, finance and business
Patrice Bruneau, computing and information technology
Carol Burns, central receiving
Shaun Cassidy, fine arts
Lisa Cowart, human resources, employee diversity and wellness
Maria D’Agostino, records and registration
Lewis Dickert, music
Tim Drueke, academic affairs
Matthew Fike, English
Steve Frankforter, management and marketing
Dia Hablutzel, James and Susan Rex Institute for Educational Renewal and Partnership 
Mark Hamilton, fine arts
Mark Herring, Dacus Library
Brian Hipp, accreditation and accountability
Chris Holloman, College of Business Administration
Robert Jordan, facilities management
Peter Judge, philosophy and religious studies
Judy Longshaw, university communications and marketing
Sibbie Lowery, printing services
Alicia Marstall, Student Affairs
Joey Martin, computing and information technology
Linda McKeown, biology
Curlene Moise, counseling, leadership and educational studies
Brittany Pigford, Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections
Dave Pretty, history
Laura Ramsey, cashier’s office
Jane Rawls, Richard W. Riley College of Education
Susan Sauvigne, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Kyle Stegall, facilities management
Jonathan Thomas, computing and information technology
Chip Werner, computing and information technology
Marilyn Whitlock, facilities management
Cassandra Wright, records and registration

30 Years
Garland Brown, facilities management
Tommy Collins, facilities management
Joe Goodman, facilities management
Jonathan Marx, sociology and anthropology
Sandra Neels, theatre and dance
Bill Rogers, biology
Grant Scurry, Student Affairs
Julian P. Smith III, biology
Chris Van Aller, political science

40 Years

Ben Roach, facilities management

Cliff Calloway, professor of chemistry, was honored as the Distinguished Professor, Winthrop’s highest award for faculty members.

Hye-Sung Kim, an assistant professor of political science, is the Outstanding Junior Professor recipient.

Stephanie Lawson, an associate professor of management and marketing, is the Jane LaRoche Graduate Faculty Award recipient.

Jackie Concodora, director of health and counseling services, was the recipient of the Mary Spann Richardson Award which was created by siblings Rowland P. Alston Jr., William E. Lenoir, Jr. and Victoria Lenoir Saunders ’79 in memory of their mother. The award honors a faculty or staff member for exceptional service, professional excellence and the ability to provide Winthrop with positive visibility throughout the region. Concodora also received the Fred Angerman Quality Staff Award.

Adolphus Belk Jr. received the Faculty Student Affairs Award for his broad and deep interactions with student life efforts, and for his contributions to various initiatives that have had a positive impact on students' lives.

Staff Member of the Year was awarded to Amy Phillips, a residential learning coordinator. Nominees came out of the pool of employees who won Staff Member of the Month awarded by Staff Assembly. The award recognizes an employee who exemplifies Winthrop’s core values, goes above and beyond to do great work, and sets an example for other staff members to follow.

Amanda Hiner, associate professor of English, and Kimarie Whetstone, director of Winthrop’s Office of Online Learning, earned the Winthrop Award of Excellence, which is a prestigious honor created to recognize individuals who have excelled in implementing the Winthrop Plan, the university’s strategic plan. Award selection is based on the individual nominee’s noteworthy contributions to the realization of one or more of the major goals of the Winthrop Plan.

For more information, contact Monica Bennett, director of communications, at 803/323-2236 or

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