Policy Repository

Policy on Policies

Definition of Policy

University Policies are formal policies and procedures at Winthrop University that have campus-wide application. The policy repository helps to ensure coordinated compliance with applicable laws and regulations; promotes operational efficiencies, enhances the University's mission, and reduces institutional risk.

Policy Oversight and Approval

All policies that have university-wide application shall be posted in the Policy Repository. Policies related to faculty may also be posted in the Faculty Manual (pdf - 292 kb). Policies related to students also may be posted in specific publications, i.e. catalog, student handbook.

Administrative Responsibility

Each university division will designate a representative who will be considered the "responsible officer" for the development and implementation of that administrative division's university policies. The vice president for each department will bring the policy to the senior administrative team for review.

Procedures for approval of a new, substantially revised, or repealed policy:

  1. Drafted new policies and those recommended for substantial revision or repeal must be developed and fully vetted within the administrative division. The Revised Policy Review form or the Proposed New Policy form must be filled out by the originating office.
  2. Prior to submission of a proposed new policy, it is the originating author's responsibility to research the University's Policy Repository for any existing policies that already apply or could be adapted to include appropriate language, then forward to the Responsible Officer.
  3. The Responsible Officer will forward the policy to the appropriate Senior Administrator for an internal administrative review. The vice president will then bring the policy to the senior administrative team for final review and approval.
  4. Following the policy's approval, the responsible officer of that division will forward the policy to the President's Office to be uploaded to the policy repository. Once uploaded, Senior Administrator of that division will work together with the President's Office to notify the campus community of the policy.
  5. The Office of the President will be responsible for maintaining a policy archive and for assigning a number for each policy.

The Office of the President and its staff will answer questions and provide guidance and support throughout the process. E-mail wupolicy@winthrop.edu.