
Printing Services maintains the campus copier fleet, which consists primarily of Canon devices. This means that if you need service on your copier, need to update your one-touch address book or need help with code management, just e-mail us, and we’ll take care of it.

Copier Billing

Copiers are billed once a month along with other jobs printed in Printing Services. Copies cost 4.5 cents for every black printed page.  There are two options for copier billing. The first is the copier is left “open.” Anyone can walk up to it and make copies, and all copies made on that device are tied to one budget. This option is only good for copiers located behind locked doors that are utilized by only one budget. If copiers are easily accessible by anyone OR used by multiple departments, you will need a DEPT ID to use, and that DEPT ID is tied to a specific budget number. There are no PINs. The PIN field is left blank.  Good news, scanning is completely free!

Dept ID Management

If your copier is one that requires a DEPT ID to use, contact Printing Services for a new DEPT ID for yourself and any staff who come on board. Or, if you want to remove codes of those within your department who have left, we can help with that too.  

Address Book Management

Just e-mail us with the requested updates (removal of former employees, additions of new staff).

Networking  A Computer To A Canon Copier