Staff Conference

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between Staff Conference, Assembly, and Council?

The definitions of these terms are:

  • Staff Conference - ALL STAFF (identified by Human Resources) make up Staff Conference and are invited to the regular meetings.
  • Staff Assembly - Fourteen to fifteen (14-15) representatives make up the elected body of Staff Assembly. These individuals are elected by all eligible staff to serve as staff representatives of their division.
  • Staff Council - Six (6) officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Historian, Parliamentarian and Treasurer) from the representatives are elected to lead the Staff Assembly.

How can I become a member of Staff Conference?

You are automatically a member! All full-time or part-time permanent, classified, or unclassified staff are members of Staff Conference. Eligible staff also include grant-funded employees that are physically located on our campus.

How can I receive Staff Conference communications and announcements?

You should automatically receive e-mails addressed to All Staff. However, if you are not, you can sign up for the e-mail list by e-mailing

What is the election/nomination process for Staff Assembly representatives?
Staff Assembly representatives are nominated by staff on campus (or you may nominate yourself) and are elected to their position by the staff in their division. 

How can I get involved?  

We encourage all staff to get involved and participate. There are several ways to do so:

  1. Attend Staff Conference meetings. We meet three times a semester, on Fridays, unless otherwise noted. Meetings feature guest speakers, Q&A sessions with the president and university leadership, and other topics which have included university budget measures, the retirement system, eSports, and enrollment.
  2. Join one or more of the Staff Conference standing committees. All members of staff are eligible to serve on these committees.
  3. Serve as a Staff Assembly representative from your own division. A staff member must be employed at Winthrop on a full-time basis for one year (no longer on probation) prior to accepting a nomination to serve as a representative of Staff Assembly. Elections are held when there is a vacant seat or seat(s) have expired.