
Planning Activities:

  • 100+ interviews with key faculty, staff, students, alumni
  • 15+ surveys and questionnaires distributed to date
  • 25+ presentations to key stakeholder groups, including the Steering Committee, Staff Conference, Faculty Conference, Council on Student Leaders, Faculty Committees on University Life and University Priorities, and others
  • 15 focus groups conducted to date, with additional sessions being finalized
  • 100+ artifacts received and reviewed
  • 500+ e-mails generated or received
  • 800+ valid responses to surveys to date
  • BRG and Gray Associates coordinated on sharing documents/information
  • Market research and analysis of peer institutions reviewed by Steering Committee
  • Trustee workshop held during June 22-23 meeting
  • Cabinet retreat held July 19
  • 5 town halls (Students, Faculty/Staff, Alumni, External Stakeholders) held Sept. 18-21
  • Trustee discussions Oct. 11, 2023, Dec. 1, 2023, March 13-14, 2024, and April 24, 2024

Details on Town Halls Sept. 18-21: