Student Allocations Committee


Who We Are

The Student Allocations Committee (SAC) is a university committee of five students who are appointed by the Council of Student Leaders. The committee is chaired by the CSL Vice President with the assistance of the SAC Administrator, who is interviewed and hired by the Department of Student Engagement. Two students on the committee are appointed representatives from CSL (including the SAC Administrator), while the other two members are selected from general student applicants across the university. If you would like to be considered for this committee, please apply here.



The Student Allocations Committee (SAC) assists Winthrop's student organizations in sponsoring programs and events beneficial to the entire student body of Winthrop University.

Funding Eligibility

To be eligible for SAC funding, student organizations must:

  1. Be officially registered with the Department of Student Engagement and in good standing with the University.
  2. Have attended a Student Allocations Training session in the current academic year.

Other Information

To find out when SAC training sessions and interviews are, please see the information below:



  • SAC trainings will be held on select Fridays at 4:30 PM in DIGs 114.
  • SAC packets are to be submitted online via Eagle Engage by the due date at 4:30pm, if you need assistance stop by DIGs Office 269.
  • SAC interviews will be held on select Fridays at 4:30 PM in DIGs 221. More information will come from SAC Admin.

Student Allocations Administrator's Office Hours

The SAC Administrator for the 2023-2024 school year is Nerena Gause. She can be reached via e-mail at

For any other information regarding the Student Allocations Committee (SAC) please contact the Department of Student Engagement at 803/323-2248.