Delta Omicron

Active for 2019-2020

Type of Organization:  Professional
Organization E-mail:
Purpose of Organization:  The purposes of Delta Omicron are:
1.To create and foster fellowship through music;
2.To give music students an opportunity to meet with one another and, by personal contact and exchange of ideas, to broaden the individual outlook;
3.To strengthen a devotion and loyalty to the Alma Mater; To develop character and leadership;
4.To encourage the highest possible scholastic attainment, excellence of individual performance, and appreciation of good music;
5.To give material aid to worthy music students;
6.To manifest interest in young musicians entering the professional world.
7.To promote American music and musicians;
8.To further the work of aspiring composers;
9.To stimulate appreciation of good music at the community level;
10.To advance high ethical standards of professional conduct of all nations;
11.To do any and all things conducive to the service, betterment, and ultimate welfare of musicians.
Description of Organization:  Delta Omicron is an international, professional music fraternity.
Planned Projects/Events:  We plan to host a benefit concert with proceeds going to a local charity. We will hold study halls every few weeks to help students study for their music classes. Also, we will perform for residents at a local nursing home once per month.