Important Forms and Resources for Student Organizations

Updating Your Organization's Records


DiGiorgio Campus Center


  • All Students ListServ
    Fill out online form by 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday to submit advertisement to all students, which is compiled into Daily Student Announcements. Daily Student Announcements go out at 5:20 p.m.

Posting Flyers

  • Posting Guidelines (pdf-228 KB)
    Find our where you can post your advertisements around campus.

Thomson Dining Hall

  • Thomson Publicity Approval Form (pdf-298 KB)
    Fill out PDF Form, print, and sign. Deliver to Student Engagement & Diversity in 269 DiGiorgio Campus Center.

Event Planning

Cultural Event Status

Event Planning

Food Preparation



Off-Campus Fundraising (if using the Winthrop Foundation)

On-Campus Fundraising

Other Resources

Conference Room 204

  • Conference Room 204
    Guidelines for using Room 204 in the DiGiorgio Campus Center.
  • Conference Room 204 Display Instructions
    This includes instructions for using the TV Display monitors.

E-mail and Website

Organization Lockers

Setting up a Bank Account

  • Federal Identification Number
    Fill out this online form and submit to IRS to receive a federal EIN number, which is necessary to set up a bank account for your organization.

If you have any questions about the above forms or resources, please contact the Department of Student Engagement at or call us at 803/323-2248. Thanks!