Enactus (Students in Free Enterprise)

Inactive for 2018-2019.  Please contact Student Organizations (studentorgs@winthrop.edu) if you would like to reactivate this organization.

Type of Organization:  Professional
Organization E-mail:  sife@winthrop.edu 
Purpose of Organization: To promote the principles of our Free Enterprise System by developing projects and working with individuals, organizations and businesses on campus and in the community. Projects must address one or more of the following criteria: Market Economics, Success Skills, Financial Literacy, Business Ethics or Entrepreneurship.
Description of Organization:  Winthrop Enactus (formerly known as SIFE) conducts various community outreach programs to teach the principles of free enterprise, including market economics, entrepreneurship, environment, personal finance, success skills, and business ethics. In doing so, the Enactus team provides inspiration, creates economic opportunity, and improves the quality of life for individuals and businesses in the community. Each year our Enactus teams presents our projects at Enactus competitions held at the regional and national levels. Enactus creates leadership, communication and business skills in its members. In addition, members have access to a variety of internship and job activities through Enactus Corporate sponsors.
Planned Projects/Events: Let's Can Hunger - Canned Food Drive & Benefit Concert Junior Achievement at Clinton Elementary Computer Literacy & Professional Prep - A Place for Hope Ride Rock Hill - Small Business Volunteer
Organization Website:  http://winthropenactus.wix.com/enactus