Pi Kappa Alpha

Active for 2020-2021

Type of Organization:  Greek (IFC)
Organization E-mail: pike@winthrop.edu
Purpose of Organization:  Dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect and high moral character and to foster a truly lifelong fraternal experience.
Description of Organization:  Secret Social Fraternity headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., founded in 1868. Pike has the largest average chapter size of any fraternity. Pike is an international fraternity with chapters in the United States and Canada. The Theta Sigma Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Winthrop University is the oldest fraternity at Winthrop University. Pike prides and builds itself on the ideals and morals of Thomas Jefferson, founder of the University of Virginia, just as the founders of this great fraternity did over 138 years ago. To this day the men, and brothers of this stellar Fraternity conduct themselves as Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen in and out of the classroom. "once a pike, always a pike"
Planned Projects/Events: Annual Bike-A-Thon