Resident Students' Association

Active for 2019-2020

Type of Organization:  Residential
Organization E-mail: 
Purpose of Organization:  To act as a liaison between resident students and the university, with a multifaceted role as a programming body, a forum for resident student concerns and opportunity for student leadership.
Description of Organization:  The purpose of Resident Students' Association (RSA) is to promote unity among Winthrop residence halls, determine the needs and desires of all hall residents, and to create a viable working relationship between residence hall students and the administration. RSA conducts weekly meetings on Tuesday nights that are open to all residential students. Students who live on campus are automatically members of RSA. Visit our website at for up-to-date activity information, as well as the location of our meetings, and much more!
Planned Projects/Events:  Please see our website for upcoming events.
Organization Website: