Student Wellness Advocacy Team

Active for 2018-2019

Type of Organization: Service/Advocacy
Organization E-mail:  
Purpose of Organization:  The purpose of SWAT is to promote healthy decision making on campus through behavior-specific programming, campus wide awareness events, and leading by example.  The members of this group will be Winthrop's Peer Health Educators.
Description of Organization:  The Student Wellness Advocacy Team is a group of motivated student-leaders who work towards promoting healthy decision-making within the campus community.  SWAT tackles topics such as alcohol use, safer sex practices, sexual violence. nutrition, ect. in order to help peers on campus live healthier lives.
Planned Projects/Events: Programming: Nutrition, Women's Health, Sexual Responsibility, Stress, Domestic Violence Events: Lunch With SWAT, Club Chaos, Sex In An Envelope, National American Heart Month Advocacy Event, Kick Butts Day