WU Pre-Veterinary Medical Association

Active for 2020-2021

Type of Organization: Professional

Purpose of Organization: Provide opportunities for students who are intersted in pursuing pre-veterinary medicine to learn more about potential career paths. Provide services to the community that will engage students in veterinary related activities. Engage Students in the best way possible to ensure comprehensive resources have been provided for their experience at Winthrop University, but also during their post graduate journey.

Organization Description: This organization hopes to provide resources for pre-veterinary students that will help them in their pursuit of post-graduate education. It is important for students to make connections and gain experiences that would otherwise not be provided by Winthrop colleges. The organization will aim to make lasting impacts on the community through its members and bring attention to the importance of veterinary medicine in everyday life. 

Major Events: Lectures, Vet School Visits, Panels