Meeting of the Winthrop University
Board of Trustees

Friday, June 8, 2007

Baruch Room, Joynes Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina

1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

3. Approval of Minutes from April 13, 2007

4. Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
    A. Resolution Honoring Sr. Sanita Savage for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
    B. Resolution Honoring Mr. Larry D. Durham for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
    C. Resolution Honoring Dr. Timothy Daugherty for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University

5. Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
    A. Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status

6. Report of the Finance Committee
    A. Resolution Regarding the Tuition Schedule and Operating Budget for 2006-2007

7.  Report of the University Relations Committee

8.  Report of the Nominating Committee
     A. Election of Officers for 2007-2008 Term

9.  Report from the Representatives to the Board
     A. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
     B. Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
10.  Report from the President

11.  Old Business

12.  New Business

13.  Executive Session*


*indicates no supporting materials



Friday, June 8, 2007
107 Withers/W.T.S Building

1. Approval of Minutes of Academic Affairs Committee Meeting of April 13, 2007

2. Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status

3. Report on Tenure and Promotion

4. Report of the Vice President*
    A. Search for Graduate Dean
    B. Core Commitments
    C. SACS Update

5. Academic Unit Updates*
    A. Arts and Sciences
    B. Business Administration
    C. Education
    D. Library
    E. Visual and Performing Arts
    F. Graduate Studies
    G. University College

6. Presentation by Dean Herring on New Electronic Resources

(* indicates no supporting materials are included in this mailing)



Friday, June 8, 2007
Thompson Conference Room, 110 Tillman Hall

1. Approval of Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting of April 13, 2007

2. Briefing by External Auditors on impact of SAS 99 and SAS 112 by Wayde Dawson, Cline Brandt Kochenower and Company, P.A.*

3. Resolution to Approve Student Fees for 2007-2008*

4. Review of 2006-2007 Allocation Status Report

5. Review of 2007-2008 Allocation Status Report Projection*

6. Updates on Summer Projects *

(* Indicates no supporting materials are included in this mailing)



Friday, June 8, 2007
Career Development Classroom, 114 Crawford Building

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes of University Relations Committee meeting of April 13, 2007

Intercollegiate Athletics
3. Spring 2007 GPA Reports
4. Report on Eagle Club Auction
5. Introduction of Coach Randy Peele
6. Year-End Sports Review

Division of Student Life
7. Briefing on the Student Life Award Recipients and Ceremony of April 2007
8. Review of the Recent Activities of the Community and Volunteer Services Program.
9. Discussion of the Division of Student Life's Planning Process Involving Learning Outcomes and Learning Objectives.

Division of University Advancement and Enrollment Management
10. Admissions report
11. Update on Partnership between ETV and the Winthrop Poll
12. Update on Alumni Reunion Celebration
13. Old Business
14. New Business
