Board of Trustees


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall provide general oversight for matters related to shared governance and risk management for Winthrop University.  

The Executive Committee shall possess and exercise in emergencies all the powers of the Board of Trustees not inconsistent with the policies of the Board or with any action taken earlier by the Board; provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall not pre-empt the role of the Board or any other standing committee herein stated except in those emergency circumstances which do not permit the handling of a matter in the normally prescribed manner and shall obtain ratification of its actions by the Board at the first regular meeting of the Board following such action, or at specially called meeting of the Board to consider such action. 

The Executive Committee shall also have the responsibility to evaluate the President, with input from the Board, on an annual basis in accordance with the State agency head performance appraisal process as well as oversight for other personnel matters.

   Mr. Glenn McCall, Chair of the Board of Trustees; Chair of the Executive Committee 

  •  Ms. Kathy Bigham, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees
  •  Dr. David McDonald, Chair of the Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Enrollment
  •  Mr. Ed Driggers, Chair of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Facilities
  •  Mr. Tim Sease, Chair of the Committee on Finance (Audit, Budget, Finance, and Compensation) 
  •  Mr. Gary Williams, Chair of the Committee on External Engagement and Athletics

Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Enrollment

This committee shall consider changes in the academic programs of the University, monitor and guide improvement in the academic quality and student environment of the University, and make recommendations to the Board regarding the institution's policies, plans, and initiatives for student recruitment, retention, marketing, and financial assistance.

The Committee shall provide governance oversight on such matters as academic programs and initiatives, student affairs, retention, and recruitment and marketing programs and plans. 

Dr. David Mcdonald
Vice Chair
Ms. Janet Smalley
Dr. Randy Imler
Dr. Ashlye Wilkerson
Mr. Robby Sisco
Ms. Sandra Stroman
Mr. Ed Driggers
Mr. Glenn McCall, Ex Officio
Committee on Strategic Planning and Facilities 

The Strategic Planning and Facilities Committee will be responsible for the review, consideration, and approval of any institutional long range integrated and strategic plans and supporting data of each plan.  Such plans and any updates thereof shall be reviewed no less than biennially, and recommendations for adoption and/or amendment of any plans or amendments shall be made to the full Board.   Any plan or update of such plan shall include specific and quantifiable metrics by date to assess institutional progress. Metrics and results shall be reviewed no less than annually by the committee.   The committee shall also review and approve any corrective action plans to remedy any deficiency in meeting an institutional goal.  

The Strategic Planning and Facilities Committee shall also examine the proposals concerning the development and maintenance of a capital improvement plan; the priority of building needs and deferred maintenance; the location, design, and erection of new structures; and the maintenance and improvement of buildings and grounds, which must be aligned to strategic planning. Before making recommendations to the Board, this Committee shall submit its recommendations to the Committee on Finance for review and approval of any and all expenditures not provided for in an approved budget. Both committees will concur with proposed actions before consideration by the full Board. 

Mr. Ed Driggers
Vice Chair
Mr. Joel Hamilton

Ms. Kathy Bigham
Mr. John Brazell
Mr. Rick Lee
Dr. Ashlye Wilkerson
Mr. Isaiah Venning
Mr. Glenn McCall, Ex Officio

Committee on Finance (Audit, Budget, Finance, and Compensation)

The Finance Committee shall provide general oversight and guidance of the University’s fiscal resources and employee welfare, to include its unrestricted resources to support the University’s mission. This Committee is charged with reviewing and approving the annual operating, and capital budgets for the University and reviewing appropriate financial statements in order to fulfill its oversight responsibility. The Committee shall exercise its duties to ensure the University’s workforce planning and financial investments in employees are in support of the University’s values of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Mr. Tim Sease
Vice Chair
Mr. John Brazell

Mr. Robby Sisco
Mr. Joel Hamilton
Ms. Janet Smalley
Dr. Randy Imler
Mr. Gary Williams
Mr. Glenn McCall, Ex Officio

Committee on External Engagement and Athletics 

The External Engagement Committee will strategically review, assess and advance issues related to Winthrop University’s external relations. These include marketing and brand management, fundraising efforts, and engagement with alumni, donors, federal, state, and local governments, policymakers and intercollegiate athletics under the purview of the University’s policies and practices. This Committee will enact the Board’s responsibility of preserving and protecting the value of the University’s brand by reviewing reports, information, data, and opportunities and by making recommendations foundational to the historical legacies and relevancy of the Institution in the 21st Century.

Mr. Gary Williams
Vice Chair
Ms. Sandra Stroman
Dr. David McDonald
Mr. Tim Sease
Ms. Kathy Bigham
Mr. Rick Lee
Mr. Isaiah Venning
Mr. Glenn McCall, Ex Officio