Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, June 7, 2013
Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina

Note: Executive Session
Friday, June 7, 2013
Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center



  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment
  3. Approval of Board Minutes of April 12, 2013
  4. Presentation of South Carolina State Senate Resolution to Honor Dr. Anthony J. DiGiorgio for Meritorious Service
  5. Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
    1. Affirmation of the Employment Contract of President-elect, Dr. Jayne Marie (Jamie) Comstock
    2. Resolution to Honor Dr. Cliff Calloway for Meritorious Service to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
    3. Resolution to Honor Mr. Dalton Floyd for Meritorious Service to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
  6. Report of the Committee on Academic Affairs
    1. Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status
  7. Report of the Committee on Finance 
    1. Resolution to Adopt the Tuition Schedule and Operating Budget for 2013-14
  8. Report of the Committee on Advancement and Development
  9. Report of the Committee on Student Life
  10. Report of the Nominating Committee 
    1. Election of Officers for 2013-14 Term
  11. Reports from the Representatives to the Board
    1. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
    2. Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
  12. Report from the President
  13. Old Business
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment


Committee on Academic Affairs

Friday, June 7, 2013
210 Tillman Hall


  1. Approval of Minutes, Committee on Academic Affairs Meeting of April 12, 2013
  2. Resolution to Confer Emeritus Status
  3. Report on Tenure and Promotion
  4. Presentation by Associate Vice President Karen Jones, Accreditation, Accountability, and Academic Services
  5. Academic Affairs Unit Updates
    1. Arts and Sciences
    2. Education
    3. Visual and Performing Arts
    4. Business Administration
    5. University College
    6. Dacus Library
    7. Graduate School
  6. Report from the Vice President


Committee on Finance

Friday, June 7, 2013
Thompson Conference Room, 110 Tillman Hall


  1. Approval of Minutes from the April 12, 2013, meeting of the Committee on Finance
  2. Review of 2013-2014 Allocation Status Report Projection
  3. Resolution Regarding the Operating Budget and Student Fees for 2013-2014
  4. Review of 2012-2013 Allocation Status Report
  5. Update on Summer Projects
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business


Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Friday, June 7, 2013
Macfeat House
9:00 am


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting of April 12, 2013

Division of University Development and Alumni Relations

  1. Scholarship Process Update
  2. Financial Systems Update
  3. Campaign Update
  4. Review of Quarterly Metrics and Outcomes

Division of University Advancement and Enrollment Management

  1. Update on Fall 2013 Recruitment and Admissions Activities
  2. Report on Fall 2014 Recruitment Activities
  3. Review of Recent Videography Projects and Upcoming Initiatives 
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business


Committee on Student Life

Friday, June 7, 2013
DIGS 222


  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of the minutes of the Committee on Student Life meeting of April 12, 2013

Intercollegiate Athletics

  1. Year-End Athletics Summary
  2. Update from Big South Conference Spring Meetings
  3. Report on Winthrop Athletics Hall of Fame
  4. 2012-2013 Community Service Activities Report
  5. Discussion of Athletics GPA Reports for Spring 2013

Division of Student Life

  1. Briefing on plans for new student summer orientation and fall Welcome Week activities
  2. Report on 2012-13 work of the Critical Incident Management Team
  3. Presentation on student leadership initiatives in Student Life
  4. Old business
  5. New business
